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Local Context

We want to be a good neighbour. So in preparing our masterplan we have focused enormous attention on how our park will relate to our nearby neighbours in Bucknell, Bainton and Stoke Lyne.

Views, noise and light

It should be noted that 11 of our 17 shows or experiences are either indoors or are period villages which generate no meaningful external noise or light in any case.

For context, our surveys clearly demonstrate the site is affected by very significant existing background noise from the M40 for the majority of the time. We have therefore developed a mitigation strategy to keep our outdoor show noise to within existing M40 background noise levels, thereby minimising impact on local communities.

In addition, we also need to:

  • Eliminate any 21st Century impacts for our guests whilst they enjoy each historical time period during their visit

  • Contain any sound and light from each individual show so that it does not impact on any other nearby show, and

  • Physically screen our park from external views

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Actual distances from village centres to proposed site

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Example section through site to demonstrate our strategy

We have thus followed a seven step design approach:

1. Distance

The entire park will be set back a considerable distance from the nearest residential buildings. The distance from our site boundary to the nearest homes in each village centre will be:

  • Bucknell – Over 400m

  • Bainton – Over 850m

  • Stoke Lyne – Over 900m

2. Show Locations

The nearest live shows to the closest homes in each village centre will be indoor shows, fully contained inside buildings, making their external impact minimal. The distance from the nearest homes in each village centre to our largest outdoor show will be:

  • Bucknell – Over 900m

  • Bainton – Over 1.4km

  • Stoke Lyne – Over 1.4km

3. Show Settings

By using the site’s existing topography and lowering ground levels where appropriate, some of the shows will be set in part below existing ground levels. For outdoor shows this will help reduce visual impact, noise and light travel and help create more natural banked seating for visitors. The show sets will also be customised to minimise acoustic impact outside of the show.

4. Bunding

Considerable planted bunding will be created around the park and around individual shows to screen views, light and noise, some bunding being up to 7m tall depending on its location in the park, on individual show positions and sight lines.

5. Tree Screening

Trees will be planted on the bunding and around the shows and other buildings to provide further protection.

6. Show orientation

Each outdoor show will be orientated so that noise is directed away from existing residential properties.

7. Technology

We use the most sophisticated, cutting-edge directional speaker systems to focus and contain the sound within each show.

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